Well, it's been a couple of quieter weeks on the poetical front as studies have taken priority but inevitably there's things, ideas, for new work swirling around the backwaters of my mind for the latest project I've given the working title of "Circles" to. However, there's also plenty of archive material to draw upon.
2010 really was a busy year on the writing front and I've added a new page from a project completed towards the very end of that year, 'The Body Curio'. The work was done on the re-bound of material I'd written for 'Testimony' which was completed in the autumn of the same year. Indeed, it was like 'The Body Curio' was a child of 'Testimony' and every bit as intense in places.
The subject material ranged far and wide and took the form of three distinct 'movements' of which I've only given a taster here, many of the pieces having been performed live in recent months. As always I hope you enjoy the new page and post.
I'll hopefully be back soon for another update!
Kind regards
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