
Germination is exactly what it says it is  - a teenage resurrection! When cleaning out old boxes of ephemera I discovered a lost book of "song lyrics" penned in my late teens before the very long writing hiatus that lasted into my late forties. Updated, but often still in a "song / poem" format, the seventy five poems that comprise "Germination" are written in a predominantly "gothic horror and film noir" vein, covering subjects from vampires to stone circles and elemental beings!

Teenage Resurrection

It’s thirteen O’clock.
I sit inside
Self-centred flesh
How alive?
Finding memories
Littered here, time’s riddles.

A backward glance,
Red Doppler shift
With a crystal ball
Please help recall
These memories
Littered here, time’s riddles.

As your eyes read ghosts
I’d give it all to know your thoughts.
Such abstract fear,
Of the far and near.

So browse these eulogies
That proclaim
What I was doing,
With an unravelled brain.
Behold these memories, time’s riddles.

As your eyes read ghosts
I’d give it all to know your thoughts.
Such abstract fear,
Of the far and near……

The ectoplasm of times departed.


It was screaming
Strange and suppressed
So far away and yet so near
A strange disease creature
Maybe outside of me
Maybe within…..

It was screaming
Down in the cellar
Wherever I tread
All corners of the home
Infested, haunted
By the screaming

It was screaming
Above in the loft
On top of the roof
Claustraphobically near
Yet strange and aloof
Maybe outside of me
Maybe within…..


Who was I yesterday?
Who am I now?
My face changes
Personality re-arranges
Coalescing into
A faint reflection

Who was I then?
And was it real?
See a difference
As the faces peel
A chameleon visage

Who shall I be?
Someone like me?
It happens again
I distort and bend
Falling into place
An unknown face


I saw an illustration
Two dimensions
A dark reminder
Too bad to mention

I saw the lines
Of your convention
An illustration of
Time’s detention

Who drew you?
What do you show?
So faded now
We’ll never know


The mind is a patchwork
Made of coloured memories
Little known bits are sown
Within a splintered frame

Thoughts are interacting
Along synaptic paths
Electrical reactions
Create Libraries of life

I dust off your sweet picture
When I'm feeling sad
Exciting motor neurones
With the happy times we had

Bell Time

Bell time has come
Time for us to move
Propelling pupil ants
Along a narrow groove

Bell time has come
Sit up and take notice
Mechanical complicity
The hackneyed old routine

Bell time’s nearly over
Mustn't be a second late
The malevolent sonata
Won’t tolerate mistakes


From the top of the hall
I look down the stairs
Peering into darkness
Tasting the fear

In this cloak of night
I can’t see everything
But can hear sounds
From the creatures

Where are they?
I crouch down
Where are they?
All I hear are sounds

The Marshes

We caress the air
With our fertile scent
Whilst estuaries ooze
Sweet saline solutions
An opening sigh
Signals female acceptance

Nature surrounds me
With love struck intent
Your estuaries ooze
Karma Sutra positions
Electric eels give me
Sweet intimate shocks

Like an ebbing tide
Slow resolutions
The sky in your eyes
Karma Sutra positions
Paused on a precipice
Of sharp inhalations

Dissolving our questions
In saline solutions
Muscle desires
Spasmodic contractions
The ecstatic kisses
Of fatal attractions.

Pleasant Drowning

Fish tailed female, my world complete
Clamshell offering, a salty treat
Fecund longing, mermaid’s sighs
A shipwrecked lover, her helpless prize

At one with timeless tracts of sea
From saline depths she beckons me
Now Pisces forms tied by their tails
We’re sailing on her bed of scales

Silently trapped, in liquid suspension
A common fate, the soul’s perdition
My dreamlike state, one final kiss
Then gently drowned in love’s abyss


Darkness surrounds me
Thoughts are like sparks
Illuminating my mind
I dream deeply
Whilst half asleep

Life is like a fantasy
A pseudo reality
My conscience is littered
With the broken glass
Of unacknowledged rebellion

I want to repent
I've so much to give
Dreaming fitfully
Of light and love
I reach out to touch you
But you aren't there

Mark Harris has asserted his right under
Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
To be identified as the author of this work.

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