Friday, 12 July 2019

Dear all,

Welcome to the station, a place of joy and sadness, missed connections, watching time fly. Perhaps we can all relate to the traveller, a foundation of sand, forever saying goodbye.

I hope you enjoy this short "mini set" accompanied with some images I hope enhance the poems. Make a connection, leave a comment, follow the thread.

The Allure of the station
In pursuit of perfection 
Beguiled by the tattoo
I watch you running.

Conflating Fantasies
With love and a future
My heart misses a beat.
You board your train.

The allure of the station
Fleeting erotica
Missing connections                                                
Watching time fly.
My Five a Day
Fell in love five times today.
I am ahead of schedule.
Only sixteen more times
For an average week.
We board a carriage
At the same time.
Repeat sadness;
Different destinations.

Missed my Train
Looking at the
Profile of a corpulent man.

He isn’t waiting for
Anything in particular.

His freckly daughter
Pulls pints

For customers
At the buffet bar.
I feign disinterest,
Fall at the first hurdle.
If you beckon
I will leave it all.
Perhaps a third of my age;
I wake up, miss my train.

Watching You Leave
Summer timetable migrant
A swallow on wing
Rides a shimmering heat haze
Pauses under my eaves.

A rush hour romance
But no time to build nests.
I'm a travel correspondent
You a brief interlude.

We could have watched butterflies
Spent an hour on the wing
Shared different perspectives
But it wasn’t to be.

All This without You

And connections.
A few moments spent
Along different lines.
You’re leaving
Aren’t you?
How I wish
You could stay.
The cruel
Whistle blows
My heart
Wastes away.

Like Fields of Poppies
Your lips red like a poppy.
My heart crash lands
On crimson petals.
Never coming home.

Sat Looking At You
The thought suddenly strikes me
Time has called time.
I have become too reticent
To make the first move.
An ageing irrelevance.
Now letting you go.

I wasn’t going To 

It was not my intention
To fall in love yet again.
I have grown tired
Of heightened emotions
But your beauty dictates
And I must react. 

Desire trumps
Will power.
The curve of your shoulder
A fork in my road.

Making me late
I’ll catch the next train
That way I can look at you
For a little longer
And dream
As only a lover can.
Beauty is a callous thing.

The Swallow Has Gone
An Empty Chair.
The waiting room
Barren without you.
You left some rubbish
On a table
But made your connection.
I tidied up after you.
Carefully placed my heart
In a clear cellophane bag.

Mark Harris has asserted his right under
Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
To be identified as the author of this work.


  1. Enjoyed hearing this then reading it in the quite after another manic day at work. Thank you, Cath

  2. Hi Cath,

    Thank you for your kind comments. I am very sorry not to reply promptly, 2020 has been a very difficult year and I am guilty of not keeping the blogsite properly updated. I am pleased to say there is now a Facebook site, just look up Ariadne's Thread Mark B Harris poetry if you use Facebook. Also I will soon be publishing a book and will endeavour to share details here as soon as the same is available. Meanwhile many thanks for the feedback, it is much appreciated!

    With best wishes
