Venus Veins

Building on the themes of Minutiae, Venus Veins, (first draft dating from the summer of 2010), is a collection of sixty poems in three separate parts, narrating a gradual loss of innocence;

1) Eden - explores the passing world of childhood into adolescence and adulthood

2) The Fall - narrates experiences of adulthood and disillusionment with routine and growing awareness of mortality

3) Nemesis - a struggle with a difficult goddess (Venus) who refuses to live up to the unrealistic projections and expectations of her lover in an emotional Underworld

Neverland Before the Rain

We go somewhere and carry it away with us
A sepia album, locked deep inside         
We can open the book any time we like
Leaf through its pages, soak ourselves in memories
Transport ourselves to happy days
Rose tinted, images of times and places
We think we’d rather be…..

The World

I gave birth to the world
A molten ball gathering in my throat
I shouted it out, into darkness.

It cooled, my skin cracked
Becoming the crust of the earth
Mountains erupted from my chest
Clouds gathered over my forehead.

It rained, lightly at first, becoming a torrent
Water collected in my navel becoming a lake
It continued to pour and the oceans formed
My hair became trees, my memory a forest.

A wise owl took to the wing and settled on my shoulder
“You should have known this would happen”, she said,

“You should have known”.


I’m scooping a fluttering memory
From recollection’s sweeping net

Discordant thoughts
Traced like veins on wings

Feelings are ephemeral
Memories don’t stay fresh

They lie strangely preserved
On ice like supermarket fish

Life in words and cryptic clues

Lightly salted for the future

The Mourning After

I remember unrivaled beauty and quaint affection
Always administered from a safe distance
Sparingly dripped onto my lips as if you were a pipette.

I swore I’d touch your heart as you’d touched mine
Then withhold myself, let you taste the frustration
Of one way romance which makes a fool blind.

I remember a summertime that briefly brought me near
Embarrassment my enemy, commitment my only fear
Visit me at dreamtime, your soft lips can silence me
Watch my comet disappear and wish that you’d said “Yes”.


Clouds laden with thunder growl and bark
Shake themselves like wet dogs
Drenching the plains with life giving water

Differing shapes and forms
The ground trembles when they snarl
Flashes of anger arc from dog to dog

Bunching as a pack, arguing over the kill
They seed the ground with falling bones
Which dance upon the earth

Like the thunderbirds of old.


There was a summertime, when I could run,
On beautiful golden evenings
Filled with lengthening shadows
Reflected in satisfying stride patterns.

Lanes twisted and turned as they unfolded before me
And I ran into them, swearing I’d never stop
Or even consider slowing down

I thought I’d keep running forever.

Deluge - The passing of Hubris

I’d thought of you back home, an umbilical unbroken
And realised it was merely an extension lead
I’d run like a dog, felt wild and free
Filled my nose with red earth smells
My ears with exotic birds, the calls of Africa
And now the storm had come to stay…..

Crisis Of Faith

One day I decided I’d stop asking God for things
It occurred to me he has better things to do
It seemed a simple principle and if you take time out
To weigh the world you may sympathise
So I propose a philosophy
Tailored to avoid disappointment
Although it doesn’t have to be for you.

I should entreat on bended knee
For him to fix my wounded heart
Stand and fight in spiritual realm
Instead of turning tail to flee
But to grow a spine
Would run against the grain of years
Simply put it isn’t me
I’d rather control what trivia I can
Than trust almighty hands upon the helm.

Compare the minutiae of things I feel
Against the hurt of others lives
Plain for all to see, pain far too real
Where the struggle day on day is finding food
(I know because I saw it on T.V.)
I can’t accept there’s time for me
And so I shall no longer lodge appeal.

I must confess the fear I feel
No foundation stone just shifting sand
There’s nothing there to break my fall
No safety net or helping hands
Better employed for other things
Than cosseting this ungrateful introvert
So resigned, I admit I’m through.
I’d be cross with him anyway
Because in summary I feel
He’s got better things to do.


The strangest thing happened to me the other day.

My heart was beating, pounding, trying to escape

And I decided to give it a helping hand.

I reached inside my chest with thoughts sharp as an obsidian blade.

And in a second it was there, in my palm.

Throwing it into the air, it sprouted sickle wings

Then it was flying, over land and sea,

Covering thousands of miles in an instant

To join screaming palm swifts, swirling at Sudwala.

But mine was not a homing heart

I knew it would not return.

Empty, swivelling, I melted into a dull screen and dreamed

Whilst grey September raged, unabated outside.

On Silent Wings

An owl is undeterred by falling rain
Hunting he whisks the air on silent wings
His sharp calls split the darkness
Whilst others talk of other lives
And I curl into a foetal ball

Heavy rain has fallen for hours now
It’s like God is crying in the dark
I have my thoughts for company
And add to the moisture laden air
My own spectral exhalation

A thousand kaleidoscopic thoughts
Return to you on silent wings
I’m on the outside looking in
Kissing your eyelids as you sleep
Praying perchance you’ll dream of me

Love Bite

Sometimes I feel particularly miniscule, think I must be like a gnat, whining in your ear
Or a midge possessed of a weak and tentative proboscis, formed of timid texts
Rarely I’ll feel brave enough to alight by the phone and risk taking a call
Only then I wobble through the air as soon as the receiver’s down
Like a panicking daddy long-legs analysing every word.
I’m sensitive, too easily or carelessly squashed aside
If I were to try and give you a heartfelt love bite
I feel I’d only leave a pink and nagging bump
On the sweet curve of your breast.
Your furrowed brow
I can picture it now
Whilst you scratch
And curse

A pest


I was happily dreaming, when you interrupted me, shooting words into my ear

You pulled me to the event horizon, where everything, even time slowed

I looked over a shoulder and saw life bustling in the cosmos

I looked before me and remembered your smile

I watched your mouth rhythmically opening

As you engulfed me, crushing me

Into a dense cube of matter

Reducing me to a



I’m skating on blades again, sharp steel blades, gliding over ice

Like glass, a window pane, a droplet like a tear, shed when friendship dies

Running slowly down the liquid in suspension, fired mind and crystal

Walking on blades of grass, a green baize called lawn, it’s raining hard

This late summer’s day, the droplets cold, run down my cheeks

The back of my neck, I’m shivering now, I think of you, as if you were here

Hugging your black cardigan, damp, it clinging to your fragile frame

Your soft pink toes, sinking in the grass, mown cuttings on your soles.

I nuzzle the scene, imagine your taste, your smell, the tang of salt

Is just rain mixing with my tears, near silence, the swifts have gone. 

Mark Harris has asserted his right under
Section 77 f the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
To be identified as the author of this work

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